Getting the Deal Done Podcast Interview of Gregory Kovsky

Jan 26, 2021

Periodically, members of the IBA team are asked to appear on television, radio, and podcasts as subject matter experts related to business brokerage, mergers & acquisitions, commercial real estate, and entrepreneurship.  IBA‘s President & CEO, Gregory Kovsky, was recently honored to be a guest of John Martinka on his Getting the Deal Done Podcast (Martinka Consulting’s Getting the Deal Done Podcast ( An audio file of that interview is provided.

John Martinka is known as The Escape Artist® for his work helping executives escape the corporate world, companies escape their plateau, and helping owners prepare so they can sell with style, grace, and more money. You can reach him at (425) 576-1814,, or His books, Buying A Business That Makes You Rich and If They Can Sell Pet Rocks Why Can’t You Sell Your Business (For What You Want)? and Company Growth By Acquisition Makes Dollars & Sense are available in paperback and for the Kindle at